Alcatraz Island Tickets

Alcatraz Night Tour

The Complete Alcatraz Tour

Duration: Approximately 2 ½ Hours
Available: Tuesday thru Saturday. 5:55 PM, 6:30 PM and 7:05 PM check-in thru Nov 2. Nov 3 thru March 2025: 3:50 PM and 4:45 PM check-in.

  • E-Ticket Mobile Check-in
  • Alcatraz Island roundtrip ferry
  • Access Inside Alcatraz Prison
  • 45-minute Cellhouse Audio Tour
  • Orientation video
  • Ranger and docent tours
  • Onboard narration
  • Guided tour
  • Other special activities
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The Alcatraz Night Tour provides an engaging evening Alcatraz experience with special programs.

This tour includes a personally narrated boat tour around the island; guided tours from the dock to the main prison building; "Doing Time: The Alcatraz Cellhouse Tour".

Also, several programs and presentations are offered only at night. Visitors may choose to attend one or two during the course of their evening.

Enjoy a sunset and breath-taking views of San Francisco as night falls. A truly exceptional experience.


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